Assessment Testimonies

“Quality of life has a number of dimensions including mental and physical health, social interactions, spirituality, and stress. Many instruments have been developed to assess these dimensions, but we know of no other assessment, aside from Life Renewed™ Quality of Life Assessment™ that combines all these dimensions in one profile.”

Dr. Harry Wetzler

 “Quality of life has a number of dimensions including mental and physical health, social interactions,    spirituality, and stress. Many instruments have been developed to assess these dimensions, but we know  of no other assessment, aside from Life Renewed™ Quality of Life Assessment™ that combines all these dimensions in one profile.”

Dr. Harry Wetzler, M.D., Outcomes Measurement Specialist, Retired Air Force Colonel

Dr. Harry Wetzler

Jim Ellis

Greetings from a Vet that is "on the other side". 

 I have only been involved in the Vet Life Community program for a few months, but those few months have benefited me, and my family, more than the decade of trying to stand on my own..

Veterans have a "never give up" mentality. I remember doing field maneuvers as a recruit. The drill instructors would give commands that we would carry out. One command in particular was, "RETREAT"!! The immediate and loud response from the recruits was, "STAND AND KILL"!! I clearly remember them teaching us that if you have run out of ammo, knives, sticks and rocks, then you physically take on the enemy and bite out their Adam's apple! MORE


Jim Ellis - Paulding County Vet Life Community Veteran

Jim Ellis, Paulding County Vet Life Community

Dave Orman, Medic, Army Ranger Sgt., 101st Airborne Eagle Dust-off

The assessment was well-written and easy to take. It really helped me to understand myself better. Since I left the military I have worked as a paramedic, a nurse, and as a firefighter. This assessment will be a great help to those with differential diagnosis of PTSD. I am very proud to serve my country and community.

Dave Orman, Medic, Army Ranger Sgt., 101st Airborne Eagle Dust-off

Dave Orman, Medic, Army Ranger Sgt., 101st Airborne Eagle Dust-off

Santos De La Rosa, Army Captain Operation Just Cause / Panama

As a retired Vet, the information I learned about myself from the QOLA helped me deal with many of the issues that have caused me sleepless nights. After taking the QOLA I got a deeper understanding of my issues. I believe all soldiers be given an opportunity to take the Life Renewed Quality of Life Assessment.

Santos De La Rosa, Army Captain Operation Just Cause / Panama

Santos De La Rosa, Army Captain Operation Just Cause / Panama

LT. Colonel Richard McCaughey USA (Ret.) CID Deputy Group Commander

After 25 years in the military divided between 13 years as an Airborne Ranger Infantry NCO and Officer followed by 12 years as a Military Police Officer which included tours as a Milcom Provost Marshal and CID District Commander, I feel that I have encountered a wide assortment of soldiers, family members, and civilian contractors/employees. The military is amazingly effective and efficient when any of these are physically wounded and equally driven when dealing with those choosing to commit crimes. Unfortunately, nowhere in my four years at the Military Academy, the Infantry Basic and Advanced Course, the Command and General Staff Course, and the numerous additional educational opportunities, did the military teach me what to look for and how to handle the unseen: their mental health, or their myriad emotional problems, other than to send them to Mental Health with its negative stigma.  After being exposed to the Quality of Life Assessment (QOLA), I feel that this is a quick, easy, non-threatening, and effective tool for most of our veterans. The computer-based assessment produces a chart-type report that shows the veteran where he/she stands in many areas.  Coupled with a counseling program and a list of resources available to the vet, the VetLife QOLA is the only asset of its type available.

LT. Colonel Richard McCaughey USA (Ret.) CID Deputy Group Commander

Marvin Myers, President, Georgia Vietnam Veterans Alliance, Inc.

I have recently taken the Life Renewed™ Quality Of Life Assessment.   Once you have taken the assessment examine the results very thoroughly, and make notes on areas of your life that could use improvement.  If you do so you will be able to make some giant strides.  It is a great tool for any person desiring a better quality of life. I highly recommend that veterans take the assessment and use it to better their life.  

Marvin Myers, President, Georgia Vietnam Veterans Alliance, Inc.

Marvin Myers, President, Georgia Vietnam Veterans Alliance, Inc.

Dr. Doug Huber, M.D. Army Captain Former Commander, American Legion Post 140, Buckhead, Georgia

The assessment is very well designed for military personnel, both active duty and veteran. The report from the assessment closely matched my own sentiments, but expressed them in greater detail and definition. I am familiar with a similar study enjoying a high degree of acceptance among the psychotherapy community, namely the MMPI, and find the QOLA much better suited for the military.

Dr. Doug Huber

W. John Fedack, Detective Sergeant and Uniform Patrolman

When I took the assessment I was sure of two things.  I would not see much stress in my life (after all it was 30 years ago I was a cop) and therefore I would not need any follow up.  I was wrong on both counts.  After taking the assessment I recognized I did have bad dreams, many sleepless nights and just felt ‘bad’ some of the time. Also, there are days my wife and kids want me to go the neighborhood pool but I stay home because I feel so jumpy. The score clearly showed me there were issues from so many years ago still haunting me.  I am now a believer.  ALL police and first responders should have access to this wonderful tool.   We owe it to them.

W. John Fedack, Detective Sergeant and Uniform Patrolman

Rev. Gregory M Griffin, MA Licensed Pastoral Counselor

Life is hard at times, and no one gets a pass. In those hard times we may become broken in spirit, and find we need help, hope, and healing. Where we turn in our search for what we need will ultimately determine how those life experiences will shape our thoughts and feelings about who we are. As a solution oriented pastoral counselor, I am always looking for tools to help clients find the way out of sorrow or woundedness (self inflicted or other inflicted) to a place of restoration. As I have become acquainted with the Quality of Life Assessment, I can visualize how this simple and scientific tool will capably serve those who use it. This assessment is a powerful way to not only help someone learn more about themselves, but more importantly, create an energizing plan of hope to move to a place of greater emotional and spiritual peace in their everyday living.  Because this assessment is designed in such a way to measure physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing, I recommend it without reservation for widespread settings in private, corporate, social service, and general population sectors.

Rev. Gregory M Griffin, MA Licensed Pastoral Counselor